What Are The Dangers Of Overdoing A Workout

What Are The Dangers Of Overdoing A Workout

Are you always trying to hit the gym after work and hell-bent on burning off the dinner you had hours ago? Do you find it hard to resist that extra workout when your schedule is already so tight? It’s natural for our bodies to want more, but what are the dangers of overdoing a workout? Find out here!

1. Strained ligaments and tendons

Excessive exercise can cause your muscles to break down and, over time, the strain on your ligaments and tendons can become severe. Strained ligaments and tendons may cause injury or chronic pain.

2. Muscle soreness and fatigue

When you overdo it at the gym, you put stress on your body’s soft tissues because they’re not designed to work that hard. The result is muscle soreness, which can lead to persistent fatigue if left unchecked.

3. Upper respiratory tract infections

A study from the National Institute of Health found overtraining can cause an increase in viral illnesses and upper respiratory tract infections. This is because your immune system and muscles are weakened when you’re overworked. Continuous stress on the immune system can cause long-term problems, too.

4. Anxiety and depression

Other studies have shown that chronic fatigue from excessive exercise may lead to increased risk for anxiety and depression, or intensify these conditions if you already have them.

5. Heart disease

If you frequently overwork your heart, it can weaken your heart muscles and increase blood pressure, which may lead to heart disease or a heart attack.

6. Osteoarthritis

Heavy exercise can cause wear and tear on the cartilage in your knees joints, which can lead to osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. If you have an active lifestyle, you’re at a higher risk for osteoarthritis than others who rarely work out.

7. Sleep apnea

A study published in the journal of the American Chest and Cough Association found that people with sleep apnea are more likely to have muscle weakness and pain following heavy exercise, which can affect their ability to sleep.

Being physically active is important for your overall health, but it’s crucial to understand the risks and how to mitigate them. With some of these risks in mind, it’s easy to see why some people might be tempted to overdo a workout.

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